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What are the upsides and downsides of this conveyance style? 7. Marlita Hill utilized visual guides all through her discourse. What differen...

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Planning Is the Basis of Control, Action Its Essence,...

â€Å"Planning is the basis of control, action its essence, delegation its key and information is the guide† – Discuss. Ans planning and controlling are closely related to each other as shown in Fig. 1. After a plan becomes operational, control is necessary to measure progress, to uncover deviations from the targets and to take corrective steps. It is also not possible to think of an effective system of control without the existence of good plans. Billy E. Geotz has explained the relationship between planning and controlling in the following words, Managerial planning seeks consistent, integrated and articulated programmes, while management control seeks to compel events conform to plans. Control is always based on planning. It is also true†¦show more content†¦A good control system provides timely information to the manager which is very much useful for taking various decisions. Control simplifies supervision by pointing out the significant deviations from the standards of performance. It keeps the subordinates under check and brings discipline among them. An effective system of control will help in achieving the following benefits : 1. Coordination. The size of modern organisations is quite large. A large amount of capital and large number of people are employed in them. This complicates the problem of control as there are many units producing and distributing different products. In order to coordinate their activities, an efficient system of control is necessary. 2. Corrective Action. An efficient system of control provides the basis for future action. Taking corrective action may lead to modification of planning, organising and directing. Control will also check the mistakes being repeated in future. 3. Decision-making. The process of control is complete when corrective actions are taken. This involves making right decisions as to what types of follow up actions are to be taken. This will lead to accomplishment of organisation objectives. According to W.T. Ierome, Control is needed both to simplify the making of subsequent decisions and to ensure the realisation of the objectives implicit in the original long-range policy decisions . 4. Better Planning. Control is the only meansShow MoreRelatedPrinciples of Magement16528 Words   |  67 Pagesconflict. Interpersonal problems crop up. We have to understand the behavior of other people and must have knowledge as to how to motivate them in order to get things done through them. We have to consider the conveniences and interest of others also in planning and implementing things. In getting things done through others, people have to be coaxed, they have to be shown, they have to inspired, they have to be motivated and this is what management means. These activities are performed not only by the peopleRead MoreOrganisational Control and Power21418 Words   |  86 Pagesunderlying feature of organisational behaviour is the concept of control and power. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Argumentative Essay Anti Intellectualism - 1991 Words

Intellectualism in Everything In the United States, there has been, and always will be a debate on education.While some feel it is very important and crucial to success, others feel it is unessential to our happiness and well being. Many assume that education and success are directly associated with intellectualism. In this essay, I will review the current trend in research on intellectualism, which many feel is to enforce pursuing a higher education, due to a common belief among the American people that those who do not receive a higher education are seemingly less intelligent. Research on this topic increasingly suggests that those who receive a higher education, tend to make more money, rating them as more successful in the eyes of†¦show more content†¦Hrabowski perceives that colleges do well to encourage and promote students to be successful in their future jobs and that the process of attending college itself is sufficient in teaching such â€Å"street smarts† as reviewed by Graff. Despite s ome contradiction between Hrabowski and Graff in previously discussed topics, Hrabowski is in agreement with Graff on in various ways. Such as, while college helps prepare students for future jobs, these jobs are only starting points and should not be the ending point. He continues by weighing the vast complexity of college success. He feels, in agreement with Graff, there is room for improvement in college, although Hrabowski stresses â€Å"There needs to be a more effective way to help people find the correct path for personal needs in higher education.† (Hrabowski 260) Graff continues in his essay sharing that intellect surrounds everything. Researchers are known to suggest that intellect is only in regards to schooling involving math, reading, english, and science or in other words academic based things only. On the contrary Graff would argue, â€Å"intellectualism is in everything.† (Graff 265). Sports were Graffs main concern, and interest in his younger years. C onsequently, it was through sports he was able to find a love to study statistics, summarize interviews done with athletes, and many other intellectual practices. It wasn’t until college, that he was able toShow MoreRelatedâ€Å"There Must Be Many Buried Or Hidden Forms Of Intellectualism1360 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"There must be many buried or hidden forms of intellectualism that do not get channeled into academic work†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Graff 22), this said by non-other than Gerald Graff himself within his article â€Å"Hidden Intellectualism†. This quote being his overall main point of the entire article. Graff meaning that students can be intellectual even if they feel like they aren’t a book smart student. Graff argues that students who are street smart could also be intellectual. Within Graff’s article, there are a few arguments

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Element Builder free essay sample

The Gizmo shows all of the first two energy levels but only part of the third energy level. A. How many electrons can fit in the first energy level? ___________ B. How many electrons can fit in the second energy level? ___________ C. How many electrons fit in the part of the third energy level shown? ___________ 3. Observe: Click Reset ([pic]). The electrons in the outermost orbit, called valence electrons, help to create chemical bonds. Create a lithium atom (3 protons, 4 neutrons, 3 electrons). How many valence electrons are in a neutral lithium atom? ___________ 4. Diagram: Turn on Show electron dot diagram. The valence electrons of an atom are shown in an electron dot diagram. Each dot represents a valence electron. Draw the electron dot diagram for neutral lithium: ___________ 5. Practice: Turn off Show electron dot diagram. Use the Gizmo to create a neutral atom of each of the following elements. Draw an electron dot diagram for each. We will write a custom essay sample on Element Builder or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page When you are finished, turn on Show electron dot diagram and check your answers. HHeLiBeBCN OFNeNaMgAlSi 6. Extend your thinking: Many chemical properties are determined by the number of valence electrons.